Scilab Function

repfreq - frequency response

Calling Sequence

[ [frq,] repf]=repfreq(sys,fmin,fmax [,step])
[ [frq,] repf]=repfreq(sys [,frq])
[ frq,repf,splitf]=repfreq(sys,fmin,fmax [,step])
[ frq,repf,splitf]=repfreq(sys [,frq])



repfreq returns the frequency response calculation of a linear system. If sys(s) is the transfer function of Sys, repf(k) equals sys(s) evaluated at s= %i*frq(k)*2*%pi for continuous time systems and at exp(2*%i*%pi*dt*frq(k)) for discrete time systems (dt is the sampling period).

db(k) is the magnitude of repf(k) expressed in dB i.e. db(k)=20*log10(abs(repf(k))) and phi(k) is the phase of repf(k) expressed in degrees.

If fmin,fmax,step are input parameters, the response is calculated for the vector of frequencies frq given by: frq=[10.^((log10(fmin)):step:(log10(fmax))) fmax];

If step is not given, the output parameter frq is calculated by frq=calfrq(sys,fmin,fmax).

Vector frq is splitted into regular parts with the split vector. frq(splitf(k):splitf(k+1)-1) has no critical frequency. sys has a pole in the range [frq(splitf(k)),frq(splitf(k)+1)] and no poles outside.


See Also
