Scilab Function

atan - 2-quadrant and 4-quadrant inverse tangent

Calling Sequence




The first form computes the 2-quadrant inverse tangent, which is the inverse of tan(phi). For real x, phi is in the interval (-pi/2, pi/2). For complex x, atan has two singular, branching points +%i,-%i and the chosen branch cuts are the two imaginary half-straight lines [i, i*oo) and (-i*oo, -i].

The second form computes the 4-quadrant arctangent (atan2 in Fortran), this is, it returns the argument (angle) of the complex number x+i*y. The range of atan(y,x) is (-pi, pi].

For real arguments, both forms yield identical values if x>0.

In case of vector or matrix arguments, the evaluation is done element-wise, so that phi is a vector or matrix of the same size with phi(i,j)=atan(x(i,j)) or phi(i,j)=tan(y(i,j),x(i,j)).


See Also
