Scilab Function

rand - random number generator

Calling Sequence

rand(m1,m2,.. [,key])
rand(x [, key])
rand("seed" [,n])



random matrix generator.

Without key argument the syntaxes below produce random matrices with the current random generator (default is "uniform")

  • rand(m1,m2) is a random matrix of dimension m1 by m2.
  • rand(m1,m2,..,mn) is a random matrix of dimension m1 by m2,.. by mn.
  • rand(a) is a random matrix of same size as a. rand(a) is complex if a is a complex matrix
  • rand() : with no arguments gives a scalar whose value changes each time it is referenced.
  • If present, the key argument allows to specifie an other random generator.

  • rand('uniform') The current random generator is set to a uniform random number generator. Random numbers are uniformly distributed in the interval (0,1).
  • rand('normal') The current random generator is set to a Gaussian (with mean 0 and variance 1) random number generator .
  • str=rand('info') return the type of the default random generator ('uniform' or 'normal')
  • IT is possible to (re-)initialize the seed of the rand generator:

  • rand('seed') returns the current value of the seed.
  • rand('seed',n) puts the seed to n. (n=0 at first call).
  • Examples

    See Also