sp2adj - converts sparse matrix into adjacency form
sp2adj converts a sparse matrix into its adjacency form (utility fonction). A = n x m sparse matrix. xadj, adjncy, anz = adjacency representation of A i.e:
xadj(j+1)-xadj(j) = number of non zero entries in row j. adjncy = column index of the non zeros entries in row 1, row 2,..., row n. anz = values of non zero entries in row 1, row 2,..., row n. xadj is a (column) vector of size n+1 and adjncy is an integer (column) vector of size nz=nnz(A). anz is a real vector of size nz=nnz(A).
A = sprand(100,50,.05); [xadj,adjncy,anz]= sp2adj(A); [n,m]=size(A); p = adj2sp(xadj,adjncy,anz,[n,m]); A-p,