sysconv - system conversion
s1,s2 : list (linear syslin systems)
Converts s1 and s2 into common representation in order that system interconnexion operations can be applied. Utility function for experts. The conversion rules in given in the following table.
s1\s2| "c" | "d" | n2 | [] | --------------------------------------------------------------- "c" | nothing |uncompatible | c2e(s1,n2) | c(s2) | --------------------------------------------------------------- "d" |uncompatible| nothing | e(s1,n2) | d(s2) | --------------------------------------------------------------- n1 | c2e(s2,n1) | e(s2,n1) | n1<>n2 uncomp | e(s2,n1) | | | | n1=n2 nothing | | --------------------------------------------------------------- [] | c(s1) | d(s1) | e(s1,n2) | nothing | ---------------------------------------------------------------
With the following meaning:
s1=ssrand(1,1,2); s2=ss2tf(s1); [s1,s2]=sysconv(s1,s2);