Scilab Function

plot2d - 2D plot

Calling Sequence

plot2d([x],y,<opt_args>) (new syntax)
plot2d([logflag],x,y,[style,strf,leg,rect,nax]) (old syntax)



plot2d plots a set of 2D curves. Piecewise linear plotting is used.

By default, successive plots are superposed. To clear the previous plot, use xbasc().

See the meaning of the parameters above for a complete description.

Enter the command plot2d() to see a demo.

Other high level plot2d function exist:

  • plot2d2 : same as plot2d but the curve is supposed to be piecewise constant.
  • plot2d3 : same as plot2d but the curve is plotted with vertical bars.
  • plot2d4 : same as plot2d but the curve is plotted with arrows.
  • Examples

    See Also
