Scilab Function

plot3d2 - plot surface defined by rectangular facets

Calling Sequence

plot3d2(X,Y,Z [,vect,theta,alpha,leg,flag,ebox])
plot3d2(X,Y,Z, <opt_args>)



plot3d2 plots a surface defined by rectangular facets. (X,Y,Z) are three matrices which describe a surface. The surface is composed of four sided polygons. The X-coordinates of a facet are given by X(i,j),X(i+1,j),X(i,j+1),X(i+1,j+1). And similarly Y and Z are Y and Z coordinates. The vect vector is used when multiple surfaces are coded in the same (X,Y,Z) matrices. vect(j) gives the line at which the coding of the jth surface begins. See plot3d for a full description.


See Also