Scilab Function

xsetech - set the sub-window of a graphics window for plotting

Calling Sequence

xsetech(wrect=[...],frect=[..],logflag="..", arect=[...])



xsetech is mainly used to set the sub-window of the graphics window which will be used for plotting. The sub-window is specified with the parameter wrect=[x,y,w,h] (upper-left point, width, height). The values in wrect are specified using proportion of the width or height of the current graphic window. For instance wrect=[0,0,1,1] means that the whole graphics window will be used, and wrect=[0.5,0,0.5,1] means that the graphics region will be the right half of the graphics window.

xsetech also set the current graphics scales for 2D plotting and can be used in conjunction with graphics routines which request the current graphics scale (for instance strf="x0z" orframeflag=0 in plot2d).

frect=[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax] is used to set the graphics scale and is just like the rect argument of plot2d. If frect is not given the current value of the graphic scale remains unchanged. the default value of rect is [0,0,1,1] (at window creation, when switching back to default value with xset('default') or when clearing graphic recorded events xbasc()).

arect=[x_left, x_right,y_up,y_down] is used to set the graphic frame inside the subwindow. The graphic frame is specified (like wrect) using proportion of the width or height of the current graphic subwindow. Default value is 1/8*[1,1,1,1]. If arect is not given, current value remains unchanged.


See Also
