Scilab Function

sorder - computing the order of a discrete-time system

Calling Sequence

[Ro(,n,sval,rcnd)] = sorder(meth,alg,jobd,batch,conct,s,Y(,U,tol,



sorder - function for computing the order of a discrete-time system using SLICOT routine IB01AD.

For one block (data sequences Y, U): [R,n,sval,rcnd] = sorder(meth,alg,jobd,4,conct,s,Y,U);

For f blocks (data sequences Yj, Uj, j = 1 : f):

R = sorder(meth,alg,jobd,1,conct,s,Y1,U1);
for j = 2 : f - 1
   R = sorder(meth,alg,jobd,2,conct,s,Yj,Uj,tol,printw,ldwork,R)
[R,n,sval,rcnd] = sorder(meth,alg,jobd,3,conct,s,Yf,Uf,tol);

sorder preprocesses the input-output data for estimating the matrices of a linear time-invariant dynamical system, using Cholesky or (fast) QR factorization and subspace identification techniques (MOESP and N4SID), and then estimates the order of a discrete-time realization.

The model structure is :

      x(k+1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k) + w(k),   k >= 1,
      y(k)   = Cx(k) + Du(k) + e(k),

where x(k) is the n-dimensional state vector (at time k),

u(k) is the m-dimensional input vector,

y(k) is the l-dimensional output vector,

w(k) is the n-dimensional state disturbance vector,

e(k) is the l-dimensional output disturbance vector,

and A, B, C, and D are real matrices of appropriate dimensions.


See Also
