Scilab function

chain_struct - chained structure from adjacency lists of a graph

Calling Sequence

[fe,che,fn,chn] = chain_struct(g)
[fe,che,fn,chn] = chain_struct(lp,la,ls)



chain_struct computes the row vectors of the edge chained structure description of the graph g. It is also possible to give directly chain_struct the adjacency lists of the graph. This is more efficient if the adjacency lists are already available since chain_struct uses them to make computations.

The vectors fe, che, fn and chn describe the chained structure in the following way:

fe(i)) is the number of the first edge starting from node i

che(fe(i)) is the number of the second edge starting from node i, che(che(fe(i))) is the number of the third edge starting from node i and so on until the value is 0

fn(i) is the number of the first node reached from node i

ch(i) is the number of the node reached by edge che(i).


See Also