Scilab function

shortest_path - shortest path

Calling Sequence

[p,lp] = shortest_path(i,j,g,[typ])



shortest_path returns the shortest path p from node i to node j if it exists, and the empty vector [] otherwise. The optional argument typ is a string which defines the type of shortest path, 'arc' for the shortest path with respect to the number of arcs and 'length' for the shortest path with respect to the length of the edges edge_length.

For the shortest path with respect to the length of the edges, the lengths are given by the element edge_length of the graph list. If its value is not given (empty vector []), it is assumed to be equal to 0 on each edge. Lengths can be positive, equal to 0 or negative.

When a shortest path exists, lp is the length of this path.


See Also