intg - definite integral
intg(a,b,f) evaluates the definite integral from a to b of f(t)dt. The evaluation hopefully satisfies following claim for accuracy: abs(I-v)<= max(ea,er*abs(I)) where I stands for the exact value of the integral.
f is an external :
If f is function its definition must be as follows y = f(t)
If f is a list the list must be as follows: list(f,x1,x2,...) where f is a function with calling sequence f(t,x1,x2,...).
If f is a string it refers to a the name of a Fortran subroutine (see source code of fintg.f)
deff('[y]=f(x)','y=x*sin(30*x)/sqrt(1-((x/(2*%pi))^2))') exact=-2.5432596188; abs(exact-intg(0,2*%pi,f)) // See file routines/default/Ex-intg.f abs(exact-intg(0,2*%pi,'intgex'))