Scilab Function

linpro - linear programming solver

Calling Sequence

[x,lagr,f]=linpro(p,C,b [,x0])
[x,lagr,f]=linpro(p,C,b,ci,cs [,x0])
[x,lagr,f]=linpro(p,C,b,ci,cs,me [,x0])
[x,lagr,f]=linpro(p,C,b,ci,cs,me,x0 [,imp])



Minimize p'*x under the constraints C*x <= b

Minimize p'*x under the constraints C*x <= b , ci <= x <= cs

Minimize p'*x under the constraints

 C(j,:) x = b(j),  j=1,...,me
 C(j,:) x <= b(j), j=me+1,...,me+md
 ci <= x <= cs

If no initial point is given the program computes a feasible initial point which is a vertex of the region of feasible points if x0='v'.

If x0='g', the program computes a feasible initial point which is not necessarily a vertex. This mode is advisable when the quadratic form is positive definite and there are a few constraints in the problem or when there are large bounds on the variables that are security bounds and very likely not active at the optimal solution.


See Also
