parents ( ) - left and right parenthesis
Left and right parenthesis are used to
* Specify evaluation order within expressions,
* Form right-hand-side functions argument list. Within multiple rhs arguments must be separated by comma.
* Select elements within vectors, matrices and lists. see help on extraction and insertion for more precisions
* [x1,x2,...]=(e1,e2,...) is equivalent to first performing %t_1 = e1, %t_2 = e2, ..., and then x1 = %t_1, x2 = %t_2, ..., where the variables %t_i, i = 1, 2, ... are invisible to the user.
3^(-1) x=poly(0,"x"); // (x+10)/2 i3=eye(3,3) // a=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9],a(1,3),a([1 3],:),a(:,3) a(:,3)=[] a(1,$)=33 a(2,[$ $-1]) a(:,$+1)=[10;11;12] // w=ssrand(2,2,2);ssprint(w) ssprint(w(:,1)) ss2tf(w(:,1)) // l=list(1,2,3,4) [a,b,c,d]=l(:) l($+1)='new' // v=%t([1 1 1 1 1]) // [x,y,z]=(1,2,3)