Scilab Function

power - power operation (^,.^)

Calling Sequence




  • (A:square)^(b:scalar) : If A is a square matrix and b is a scalar then A^b is the matrix A to the power b.
  • (A:matrix).^(b:scalar) : If b is a scalar and A a matrix then A.^b is the matrix formed by the element of A to the power b (elementwise power). If A is a vector and b is a scalar then A^b and A.^b performs the same operation (i.e elementwise power).
  • (A:scalar).^(b:matrix) If A is a scalar and b is a matrix (or vector) A^b and A.^b are the matrices (or vectors) formed by a^(b(i,j)).
  • (A:matrix).^(b:matrix) If A and b are vectors (matrices) of the same size A.^b is the A(i)^b(i) vector (A(i,j)^b(i,j) matrix).
  • Notes:

    - For square matrices A^p is computed through successive matrices multiplications if p is a positive integer, and by diagonalization if not.

    - ** and ^ operators are synonyms.


    See Also