Scilab function

pvm_barrier - blocks the calling process until all processes in a group have called it.

Calling Sequence

[info] = pvm_barrier(group,count)



pvm_barrier blocks the calling process until count members of the group have called pvm_barrier. The count argument is required because processes could be joining the given group after other processes have called pvm_barrier. Thus PVM doesn't know how many group members to wait for at any given instant. Although count can be set less, it is typically the total number of members of the group. So the logical function of the pvm_barrier call is to provide a group synchronization. During any given barrier call all participating group members must call barrier with the same count value. Once a given barrier has been successfully passed, pvm_barrier can be called again by the same group using the same group name.

The returned value infowill be zero if pvm_barrier is successful and will be will be < 0 if some error occurs.


See Also