Scilab Function

augment - augmented plant

Calling Sequence




If flag1='SRT' (default value), returns the "full" augmented plant

    [ I | -G]   -->'S'
    [ 0 |  I]   -->'R'
P = [ 0 |  G]   -->'T'
    [ I | -G]

'S' , 'R' , 'T' refer to the first three (block) rows of P respectively.

If one of these letters is absent in flag1, the corresponding row in P is missing.

If G is given in state-space form, the returned P is minimal. P is calculated by: [I,0,0;0,I,0;-I,0,I;I,0,0]*[I,-G;0,I;I,0].

The augmented plant associated with input sensitivity functions, namely

    [ I | -I]   -->'S'  (input sensitivity)
    [ G | -G]   -->'R'  (G*input sensitivity)
P = [ 0 |  I]   -->'T'  (K*G*input sensitivity)
    [ G | -G]

is obtained by the command [P,r]=augment(G,flag,'i'). For state-space G, this P is calculated by: [I,-I;0,0;0,I;0,0]+[0;I;0;I]*G*[I,-I] and is thus generically minimal.

Note that weighting functions can be introduced by left-multiplying P by a diagonal system of appropriate dimension, e.g., P = sysdiag(W1,W2,W3,eye(G))*P.

Sensitivity functions can be calculated by lft. One has:

For output sensitivity functions [P,r]=augment(P,'SRT'): lft(P,r,K)=[inv(eye()+G*K);K*inv(eye()+G*K);G*K*inv(eye()+G*K)];

For input sensitivity functions [P,r]=augment(P,'SRT','i'): lft(P,r,K)=[inv(eye()+K*G);G*inv(eye()+K*G);K*G*inv(eye()+G*K)];


See Also