fftshift - rearranges the fft output, moving the zero frequency to the center of the spectrum
if x results of an fft computation y= fftshift(x) or y= fftshift(x,"all") moves the zero frequency component to the center of the spectrum, which is sometimes a more convenient form.
If x is a vector of size n, y is the vector x([n/2+1:n,1:n/2])
If x is an m by n matrix y is the matrix x([m/2+1:n,1:m/2],[n/2+1:n,1:n/2]).
[x11 x12] [x22 x21] x=[ ] gives y=[ ] [x21 x22] [x12 x11]
y= fftshift(x,n) make the swap only along the nth dimension
//make a signal t=0:0.1:1000; x=3*sin(t)+8*sin(3*t)+0.5*sin(5*t)+3*rand(t); //compute the fft y=fft(x,-1); //display xbasc(); subplot(2,1,1);plot2d(abs(y)) subplot(2,1,2);plot2d(fftshift(abs(y))) //make a 2D image t=0:0.1:30; x=3*sin(t')*cos(2*t)+8*sin(3*t')*sin(5*t)+.. 0.5*sin(5*t')*sin(5*t)+3*rand(t')*rand(t); //compute the fft y=fft(x,-1); //display xbasc(); xset('colormap',hotcolormap(256)) subplot(2,1,1);Matplot(abs(y)) subplot(2,1,2);Matplot(fftshift(abs(y)))