TK_EvalStr - Evaluate a string whithin the tcl/tk interpreter
This routine allows to evaluate tcl/tk instructions with the tcl/tk interpreter launched with scilab.
When tcl/tk support is enabled in scilab, you can evaluate tcl/tk expression from scilab interpreter. In fact, scilab launches a slave tcl/tk interpreter. The scilab instruction TK_EvalStr() can be used to evaluate expression without having to write a tcl/tk in a separated file (this is done using TK_EvalFile).
//with one call TK_EvalStr(['toplevel .foo1' 'label .foo1.l -text ""TK married Scilab !!!""' 'pack .foo1.l' 'button .foo1.b -text close -command {destroy .foo1}' 'pack .foo1.b']) //step by step (debugging) TK_EvalStr('toplevel .foo2'); // creates a toplevel TK window. TK_EvalStr('label .foo2.l -text ""TK married Scilab !!!""'); // create a static label TK_EvalStr('pack .foo2.l'); // pack the label widget. It appears on the screen. text='button .foo2.b -text close -command {destroy .foo2}'; TK_EvalStr(text); TK_EvalStr('pack .foo2.b');