Scilab Function

uicontrol - create a Graphic User Interface object

Calling Sequence

h=uicontrol([prop1,val1] [,prop2, val2] ...)
h=uicontrol(f,[prop1, val1] [,prop2, val2] ...)



this routine creates an object in a figure. If the handle of the figure is given (as the first parameter), the uicontrol is created in this figure. If no handle is given, the uicontrol is created in the current figure ( which may be obtained with a call to gcf() ). If there is no current figure, then one is created before the creation of the uicontrol. Then when the control is created, the properties given as parameters are set with the coresponding values. It is equivalent to create the uicontrol, and then set its properties with the set() command. Nevertheless, it generally more efficient to set the properties in the call to uicontrol(). This is particularly true coincerning the 'style' field. Indeed, the default value for this property is 'pushbutton'. So if you do not set it at creation time, a button will be created, and will be transformed to another uicontrol when you call the get(h,'style', ... ) instruction. Scilab and all the graphic objects communicate through the property mechanism. Thus, to create adapted uicontrol, one has to know the use of the property fields. Those are descibed under:



See Also
