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CEEPUS CII-CZ-0031-03-0708 Summer School 2008 - “Automatic Control for the 21.century”University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Split, Croatia, 29th June to 13th July, 2008. |
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Instructions for authors
These instructions are for authors preparing scripts (in word format) for presentation at CEEPUS Summer school 2008, Split, Croatia. Authors should prepare their manuscript in double column format for printing on A4 (210mm x 297mm) paper, justified if possible using Times Roman 12pt normal typeface, and must ensure that the typing area (centered) matches exactly that shown in the specimen page. The first page should include a Title, each author’s name and affiliation, including present address and an Abstract. Manuscripts should be prepared in the following order: Introduction to explain the background work, the practical applications and the nature and purpose of the lecture, Body to contain the primarymessage, with clear lines of thought and validation of the techniques described, Conclusion and References. Six pages are allowed to each paper, however if you would need more, please contact us. The presenting time reserved for each lecture is 30 minutes. All equations to be centered and numbered with Arabic numerals (1,2…n). Where a reference is referred to in the text, put the number of reference in brackets; e.g. [1].
Title and abstract: 26th May 2008 Full manuscript: 15th June 2008 Paper acceptance: 20th June 2008 |