feedback - feedback operation
The feedback operation is denoted by /. (slashdot). This command returns Sl=Sl1*(I+Sl2*Sl1)^-1, i.e the (negative) feedback of Sl1 and Sl2. Sl is the transfer v -> y for y = Sl1 u , u = v - Sl2 y.
The result is the same as Sl=LFT([0,I;I,-Sl2],Sl1).
Caution: do not use with decimal point (e.g. 1/.1 is ambiguous!)
S1=ssrand(2,2,3);S2=ssrand(2,2,2); W=S1/.S2; ss2tf(S1/.S2) //Same operation by LFT: ss2tf(lft([zeros(2,2),eye(2,2);eye(2,2),-S2],S1)) //Other approach: with constant feedback BigS=sysdiag(S1,S2); F=[zeros(2,2),eye(2,2);-eye(2,2),zeros(2,2)]; Bigclosed=BigS/.F; W1=Bigclosed(1:2,1:2); //W1=W (in state-space). ss2tf(W1) //Inverting ss2tf(S1*inv(eye()+S2*S1))