Scilab Function

arl2 - SISO model realization by L2 transfer approximation

Calling Sequence

h=arl2(y,den0,n [,imp])
h=arl2(y,den0,n [,imp],'all')
[den,num,err]=arl2(y,den0,n [,imp])
[den,num,err]=arl2(y,den0,n [,imp],'all')



[den,num,err]=arl2(y,den0,n [,imp]) finds a pair of polynomials num and den such that the transfer function num/den is stable and its impulse response approximates (with a minimal l2 norm) the vector y assumed to be completed by an infinite number of zeros.

If y(z) = y(1)(1/z)+y(2)(1/z^2)+ ...+ y(ny)(1/z^ny)

then l2-norm of num/den - y(z) is err.

n is the degree of the polynomial den.

The num/den transfer function is a L2 approximant of the Fourier's series of the rational system.

Various intermediate results are printed according to imp.

[den,num,err]=arl2(y,den0,n [,imp],'all') returns in the vectors of polynomials num and den a set of local optimums for the problem. The solutions are sorted with increasing errors err. In this case den0 is already assumed to be poly(1,'z','c')


See Also