time_id - SISO least square identification
Identification of discrete time response. If y is strictly proper (y(1)=0) then time_id computes the least square solution of the linear equation: Den*y-Num*u=0 with the constraint coeff(Den,n):=1. if y(1)~=0 then the algorithm first computes the proper part solution and then add y(1) to the solution
z=poly(0,'z'); h=(1-2*z)/(z^2-0.5*z+5) rep=[0;ldiv(h('num'),h('den'),20)]; //impulse response H=time_id(2,'impuls',rep) // Same example with flts and u u=zeros(1,20);u(1)=1; rep=flts(u,tf2ss(h)); //impulse response H=time_id(2,u,rep) // step response u=ones(1,20); rep=flts(u,tf2ss(h)); //step response. H=time_id(2,'step',rep) H=time_id(3,u,rep) //with u as input and too high order required