Scilab Function

ddp - disturbance decoupling

Calling Sequence




Exact disturbance decoupling (output nulling algorithm). Given a linear system, and a subset of outputs, z, which are to be zeroed, characterize the inputs w of Sys such that the transfer function from w to z is zero. Sys is a linear system {A,B2,C,D2} with one input and two outputs ( i.e. Sys: u-->(z,y) ), part the following system defined from Sys and B1,D1:

  xdot =  A x + B1  w + B2  u
     z = C1 x + D11 w + D12 u
     y = C2 x + D21 w + D22 u

outputs of Sys are partitioned into (z,y) where z is to be zeroed, i.e. the matrices C and D2 are:

     C=[C1;C2]         D2=[D12;D22]
     C1=C(zeroed,:)    D12=D2(zeroed,:)

The matrix D1 is partitioned similarly as D1=[D11;D21] with D11=D1(zeroed,:). The control is u=Fx+Gw and one looks for matriced F,G such that the closed loop system: w-->z given by

  xdot= (A+B2*F)  x + (B1 + B2*G) w
    z = (C1+D12F) x + (D11+D12*G) w

has zero transfer transfer function.

flag='ge' : no stability constraints. flag='st' : look for stable closed loop system (A+B2*F stable). flag='pp' : eigenvalues of A+B2*F are assigned to alfa and beta.

Closed is a realization of the w-->y closed loop system

  xdot= (A+B2*F)  x + (B1 + B2*G) w
    y = (C2+D22*F) x + (D21+D22*G) w

Stability (resp. pole placement) requires stabilizability (resp. controllability) of (A,B2).


See Also
