Scilab Function

ui_observer - unknown input observer

Calling Sequence




Unknown input observer.

Sys: (w,u) --> y is a (A,B,C2,D2) syslin linear system with two inputs w and u, w being the unknown input. The matrices B and D2 of Sys are (implicitly) partitioned as: B=[B1,B2] and D2=[D21,D22] with B1=B(:,reject) and D21=D2(:,reject) where reject = indices of unknown inputs. The matrices C1 and D1 define z = C1 x + D1 (w,u), the to-be-estimated output.

The matrix D1 is (implicitly) partitioned as D1=[D11,D12] with D11=D(:,reject)

The data (Sys, reject,C1, D1) define a 2-input 2-output system:

  xdot =  A x + B1  w + B2  u
     z = C1 x + D11 w + D12 u
     y = C2 x + D21 w + D22 u

An observer (u,y) --> zhat is looked for the output z.

flag='ge' no stability constraints flag='st' stable observer (default) flag='pp' observer with pole placement alfa,beta = desired location of closed loop poles (default -1, -2) J=y-output to x-state injection. N=y-output to z-estimated output injection.

UIobs = linear system (u,y) --> zhat such that: The transfer function: (w,u) --> z equals the composed transfer function: [0,I; UIobs Sys] (w,u) -----> (u,y) -----> zhat i.e. transfer function of system {A,B,C1,D1} equals transfer function UIobs*[0,I; Sys]

Stability (resp. pole placement) requires detectability (resp. observability) of (A,C2).


See Also
