Scilab keyword

function - opens a function definition

endfunction - closes a function definition


function <lhs_arguments>=<function_name><rhs_arguments>


  • <function_name> stands for the name of the function
  • <rhs_arguments> stands for the input argument list. It may be
  • - a comma separated sequence of variable names enclosed in parenthesis, like (x1,...,xm). Last variable name can be the key word varargin (see varargin)
  • - the sequence () or nothing,if the function has no input argument.
  • <lhs_arguments> stands for the output argument list. It may be
  • - a comma separated sequence of variable names enclosed in brackets, like [y1,...,yn]. Last variable name can be the key word varargout (see varargout)
  • - the sequence [] ,if the function has no input argument. In this case the syntax may also be: function <function_name><rhs_arguments>
  • <statements> stands for a set of scilab instructions (statements) This syntax may be used to define function (see functions) inline or in a script file (see exec). For compatibility with old Scilab versions, functions defined in a script file containing only function definitions can be "loaded" into Scilab using the getf function.
  • The function <lhs_arguments>=<function_name><rhs_arguments> sequence cannot be split over several lines. This sequence can be followed by statements in the same line if a comma of semi column is added at its end.

    function definitions can be nested


    See Also